Market commentary: Apr 2022
Returns for the year to 30 April are negative. Central banks around the world have increased the cost of borrowing to slow down economies and dampen high inflation. On a positive note, property and infrastructure produced positive returns…
Market commentary: Mar 2022
The big story in investment markets is expectation that interest rates are on the rise for the foreseeable future. Rising interest rates impact both sides of a diversified portfolio. On the growth side it means reduced share valuations and on the defensive side it reduces the value of existing bonds…
Market commentary: Feb 2022
You may be wondering if this is the start of a significant fall in share prices – especially with the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine. So far 2022 has seen the number of sellers far outweighing buyers in the share market causing prices to fall. For sure it doesn’t make pleasant reading but bear in mind low prices are only a problem if you need to sell…
Market commentary: Jan 2022
Share markets fell sharply in January, with the catalyst for investor angst not having been Omicron, but instead fears over rising interest rates, and the knock-on impact to share prices. Tech stocks have been at the epicentre of the sell-off as valuations, which have been elevated, are now under scrutiny…
Market commentary: Dec 2021
Shares continue to drive returns with international shares doing most of the work pushed along by the US share market (which is 56% of global markets). Prices for the 5 largest companies on the US market (Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Facebook) increased by a whopping average of 38% over the year…
Market commentary: Nov 2021
Over the last few months share markets have risen further on the back of global economic recovery and hopes that the impact of Covid-19 is beginning to recede. Interestingly, the appearance of the Omicron variant while rattling markets hasn’t dented the broadly positive sentiment…
Market commentary: Oct 2021
The last year was a game of two halves with the first six months providing over 80% of portfolio returns. Overall, virtually all client portfolio returns came from shares and property. Bond returns were negative over the year due to interest receipts being outweighed by falling bond values as interest rates rise. The current mood in share markets is one of optimism…
Market commentary: Sep 2021
Risk and uncertainty are always present in markets, but because of Covid-19 and the seemingly unstoppable rise of share markets, the current outlook is more complex than usual…